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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Card Design

This is part of a series of cards I designed for a card design company. I chose to do visual puns.


This was my self authoured project about Russia's relationship with Syria, fairly heavy stuff

my crazy wall of working in my studio, looked more like I was stalking Lenin and coming up with conspiracy theories

Two collages looking at different aspects of communist life which was my orginal intention.

Trying to make my crazy wall look a little saner

Study of david cameron and angela merkel whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears

Study of Marie Colvin who died in Syria while I was working on the subject

A young wife who has just lost her husband

I believe this picture was actually taken in Greece, but the mood fitted in well with the subject

Three of the studies in a group

Christmas gift

Last christmas I thought it would be nice to paint a picture of the local church for my parents from a photo I took. I painted it in oils, and it almost killed me.

the painting framed and in situe


For my sculpture project at uni the brief was found objects. I chose to use plastic latex gloves, support with wire which I then wrapped buttons into and poured in plaster to create these creepy dismembered hands

This is a different version where I made the hands from clay and pressed the buttons in, overtime the buttons fell off as the clay dried naturally creating neat circles of buttons around the hand

Media Art

For my painting project in my first year of art we had to look at media images from newspapers. 

Above is an oil painting of a couple looking at their house after an earthquake disaster

This was the final result of the project, a combination of two images from the media and a photo of a fossil. The man at the top is the Syrian president.

Above is sketchbook work I did exploring the shapes of the fossil and the overlapping of images, painted images and monoprints


I did a project on my art course in photography and decided that I wanted a rather sixties classically glamorous feel, the result is above

Something old

Avalon, perhaps the more sucessful thing I did for my a-levels. It was meant to be a shop in Glastonbury which sold designer clothes. This image here is one side of a  paper bag I made.

Monday 12 March 2012

An ode to William De Morgan

I like William De Morgan's tiles a lot, but then I love all things of that era, so to celebrate my love, I did my own take on them, in photoshop of course

The genuine article

my ode